One of our best sellers of all times! Prize winner as best yerba in 2017!
This premium Yerba Mate has an earthy umami flavor with a full bodied mouth intensity. We personally think it´s a must try for those who love a medium to strong smoked taste.
-Remember each Yerba deserves a personal experience. What's good for one mate drinker may not be the same for another. If you are new to this world, you will get to play around with many Yerba flavors. Some Yerba Mate drinkers even find their personal "right blend" by mixing different brands. We encourage you to play around with this fun and healthy habit -
Taste will slightly vary as well if you change your mate cup and/or bombilla.
Production: This ia an organic yerba mate. Organic teas have no pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. Also, they do not have artificial flavors or ingredients of any kind. The packaging material that is used with the organic teas is also organic, as the paper that is used is recycled and biodegradable and the ink is water based.
Origins: TITRAYJU is produced by independent farmers (native families) in Misiones, the land of Yerba Mate. They keep a strictly control among the plantations as they don´t use ANY chemical at all. 100 % Natural yerba mate without agrotoxics with a strong presence in taste and excellent quality. We personally talked with one of their main men and he said the yerba should have been called an "Organic" one, but due to their lack of money to do the paper work to become so, they don´t put the "Certified Organic" on their bags but we should consider it that way.
TITRAYJU is sold directly to the public, avoiding big corporations to take their earnings away. Small farmers don't own the machinery to get through the process and have to sell their harvest to big producers. Luckily, we can still find some of them that can survive so we can enjoy the highest yerba mate tea quality and taste!
TITRAYJU, which is an acronym for Tierra, Trabajo y Justicia (Land, Labor & Justice) is made by a cooperative of native farmers called Rio Paraná. We were proudly the FIRST company to introduce TITRAYJU to the USA.
Aging: Usually the aging process for the organic teas are longer than the regular therefore the flavor and aroma is better. It also makes the yerba mate less acidic.