This yerba mate kit is specially designed for people that are new in the Yerba Mate world, giving them the chance to try all types of yerba mate (with stems, without stems, flavored, with herbs, smoked & roasted) at an affordable price and then decide which flavor profile best suits their palate. It´s also a great deal for the more experienced yerba mate drinkers that want to try new types of yerba mate without having to buy the whole package.
This Sample Yerba Mate Kit Includes:
1 to 2 serving bags (50 grs – 1.80oz each) of 6 different types of Yerba Mate
1 Traditional Mate Gourd with Demountable Hexagon End Stainless Steel Bombilla (Easy to clean)
1 FREE Handcrafted Bamboo Bombilla
- 1 "WOODGRAIN" HANDCRAFTED MATE GOURD with Metal Rim (No Dyes Used)
- 1 HANDCRAFTED BAMBOO BOMBILLA (6.3″ inches – 16cm)
- 50 Grams / 1.80 oz Bag of Organic unsmoked yerba mate WITH stems (Sol de Acuario) – Well balanced and mild flavor. First organic brand ever in Argentina. Excellent quality.
- 50 Grams / 1.80 oz Bag of yerba mate WITHOUT stems (Amanda Despalada) – “sweet” and delicate flavor.
- 50 Grams / 1.80 oz Bag of Organic yerba mate WITH stems ENHANCED WITH NATURAL HERBS (Jesper con Hierbas): Penny Royale, Peperine & Mint. – Refreshing taste & mild yerba intensity flavor.
- 50 Grams / 1.80 oz Bag of Organic SMOKED yerba mate WITH stems (Titrayju) – Well balanced flavor with a subtle earthy woody taste.
- 50 Grams / 1.80 oz Bag of Organic TOASTED yerba mate WITH stems (Hierbas del Oasis) – Strong full bodied flavor with a chocolate-like after taste.
- 50 Grams / 1.80 oz Bag of Pearl FLAVORED yerba mate WITH stems (CBSé Frutos del Valle)- The flavors are essential oils derived from the fruits. Delicious!
- To brew yerba mate traditionally, just fill the gourd 1/2 up to 2/3 of it’s volume capacity with yerba. Remember to keep your water temperature from 165F no higher than 185F (NEVER USE BOILED OR BOILING TEMP. WATER)
TIP : We recommend to leave the flavored sample (CBSé Pearl) for last since it may “mask” the taste of the other samples.
For more information about yerba mate types, please read this article :
Don’t miss this chance to taste all types of YERBA MATE w/ traditional accessories at a great price!
NOTE: The picture shown in this listing is for ilustrative purposes, please read full description before purchasing.
This is an online-only special (item not valid for wholesale purchases)